Couples Counseling / Coaching
Couples Counseling / Coaching
When our expectations are not met we can become hurt, frustrated and angry. These feelings are very real to us. We don’t feel cared for, respected or loved during these times and we can lash out at our partner or store these feelings and look at our partner though an ever-increasing clouded filter. Some of us fall into invalidating each other. Others withdraw and avoid discussing issues. Frankly, we have learned some unhealthy habits and patterns of relating.
As we maintain these negative habits, we find that they don’t work and neither does our relationship. We wonder, how we got to such a negative place and how can we get to a better one? Understanding the issues and patterns is a good place to start. If in your relationship you are experiencing any or all of the following 10 issues, contact Dr. Dan and he will connect with you to discuss the next steps with you.
● Increased disagreements and arguing
● Periods of prolonged silence
● Mind reading each other’s intentions
● Negatively interpreting each other’s words and motives
● Increased conflict accompanied by diminished efforts to resolve issues
● Discouragement, disillusionment, and decreased confidence
that your relationship will make it
● A decreased feeling of “safety” to be vulnerable with your partner
● A fear of being ridiculed privately or publicly
● A lack of trust, respect and love in your relationship
● A lack of forgiveness and letting go of relationship issues
Counseling addresses a problem area that requires a solution or healing. The problem may be related to behavior, marriage, relationships, or emotional conflict.
Dr. Dan Trathen offers comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for issues related to individual, marital, premarital, and family concerns. He has over 45 years of experience with children, adolescents, and adults dealing with various issues.
Dr. Dan utilizes a broad range of therapeutic techniques that emphasize solution-focused CBT and DBT therapies to provide quality care in as short a time frame as possible.
With 50 years of experience, Dr. Dan Trathen seeks to first discover a couple’s strengths and growth areas before tailor-making a counseling/coaching plan. This process can be conducted in Dr. Dan’s Parker, Colorado office or through his HIPAA-compliant video conferencing, email, and HIPPA-compliant online forms and storage. Clients can do video conferencing from the convenience of their home with a computer equipped with a camera and microphone. As a follow-up, each plan requires the couple to do reading and homework assignments to assist them in their growth areas and transform these changes into lasting ones. Relationship assessments and a family history questionnaire are also used in establishing a Relationship Growth Plan for each couple. So, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Dan today to discuss your couple’s counseling/coaching needs.
You can also read Dr. Dan's co-authored book, A Lasting Promise. Available here.